
Occupational Therapy
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?Division of Occupational Therapy 

Teaching and Learning

Postgraduate programme

Master of Occupational Therapy (Structured)

The programme is offered on a block-release system in a three-year cycle with teaching weeks throughout the year.

The programme comprises three distinct components:

  1. Research Methodology and Assignment: A research assignment is conducted and submitted for examination in the format of a research report.
  2. Advanced Occupational Therapy: Three generic modules are offered to explore occupational science, models in occupational therapy and occupational therapy practice. Modules are offered once every three years.
  3. Speciality Fields of Study: Speciality courses are offered in the following fields namely paediatrics, work practice and psychosocial practice. Modules are offered once in three years.

The research assignment is undertaken upon completion of the coursework or concurrent with the other components of course work. Most students find that they require three years to complete the programme, especially if studies are undertaken on a part-time basis.

The current offering is outlined below:

Year:  2025Year: 2026Year: 2027
Research Methodology and Statistics 871(30)Research Methodology and Statistics 871(30)Research Methodology and Statistics 871(30)
Research Assignment 872(60)Research Assignment 872(60)Research Assignment 872(60)
?Occupational Science 872(15)Models in Occupational Therapy 872(15)
?Occupational Therapy Practice 872(15)Measurement 876(15)
??Occupational Therapy Practice: Interventions in Speciality Field of Study 871(30)


The number of teaching weeks and mode of teaching are outlined below:

ModuleNumber of weeksMode
Research Methodology and Statistics 871(30)2Synchronous online
Occupational Science 872(15)1Synchronous online
Occupational Therapy Practice 872(15)1Synchronous online
Models in Occupational Therapy 872(15)1Synchronous online
Measurement 876(15)1Synchronous online
Occupational Therapy Practice: Interventions in Speciality Field of Study 871(30)2Face to Face

Programme leader: Dr S de Klerk

Tel: 021 938 9017    Email: sdk@sun.ac.za?